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Track territory changes


Understand potential changes in your Varicent Sales Planning (SP) territories each cycle.

Do you hope to understand changes in your Varicent Sales Planning (SP) territories each cycle? Need a report to identify various types of changes? The Track territory changes pipe shows how to identify four types of potential territory changes, organized into four different groups or branches. At the end, the territory changes can be exported for review.

This pipe expects two input data sets:

  • Snapshot - Previous (Data): A snapshot of which accounts belong to each territory in Varicent SP from a previous cycle.

  • Snapshot - Current (Data): A current-period snapshot of Varicent SP territories.


A snapshot of the previous territory plan Snapshot - Current (Data) and a current territory plan Snapshot - Previous (Data) are brought into the canvas.

Four evaluations which compare the two data sets are then performed. For clarity, the branches responsible for each validation have had their tools color-coded.

New account branch

The red branch contains three tools. Case 1: Find New Accounts (Combination Matcher) Varicent ELT combination matcher tries to find matches between the previous snapshot (top input) and the new plan (bottom input) using Battlecard, Territory Level, Territory Group, Territory ID and Territory Customer Account as matching columns. Records from the current plan that do not have a match in the previous plan will result in the "Match?" column having a FALSE result. These are new accounts that are not present in the previous snapshot.

Then, filter for the mismatch records and uses Tag New Accounts (Case) to tag the them with a "Account Added" value in the "Type of Change" column.

Lost account branch

The orange branch contains three tools. Case 2: Find Lost Accounts (Combination Matcher) tags records with a TRUE or FALSE value in the "Match?" column by comparing the Battlecard, Territory Level, Territory Group, Customer ID and Territory Customer Account columns in the two data sets.

Records that are present in the previous snapshot but not in the current snapshot are tagged with an "Account Removed" value in the "Type of Change" column. Lost Accounts (Filter) Tag Lost Accounts (Case)

Product change branch

The purple branch contains three tools. Case 3: Find Product Changes (Combination Matcher) tags records with a TRUE or FALSE value in the "Match?" column by comparing the Territory Product and Territory Customer Account columns.

Records with a FALSE "Match?" value indicate records with a product code change.

Geography change branch

The turquoise branch contains three tools. Case 4: Find Geography Changes (Combination Matcher) tags records with a TRUE or FALSE value in the "Match?" column by comparing the Territory Geography and Territory Customer Account columns.

These mismatched records represent geography changes incurred since the previous period.

Union and export

After the four types of territory change tracking are identified, we use union tools to merge all changed records together. Union Union Union

You can now export the these records for review. Export