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Varicent ELT Help Center

Varicent ELT Release 3.49.0


Release notes for the Varicent ELT 3.49.0 release.

Release notes for the Varicent ELT 3.49.0 release.

We crushed some bugs

And we're so happy that we did...


Bug number

Fixed an issue preventing users from building a pipe if the Join tool was included.


Enhanced the Incentives export to work with Effective Dated tables as a destination.


Resolved an issue where the preview of an effective-dated table displayed incorrect dates, where the date 12/31/9998 is displayed as Dec 31st, 1969 at 19:00 and any NULL date value gets filled with Dec 21st, 1969 at 19:00.

00253187/ 00253282