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Add additional rows to your data by appending rows from another data set.

Add additional rows to your data by appending rows from another data set.

The number of columns added depends on the number of matching columns shared by both data sets.

Input and output

Add two or more data sets to the Union tool. To use this tool, you need at least one matching column shared by both data sets.

When you build this tool, it appends matching columns from the second data set to the end of the first data set.

When to use this tool

Use when you want to combine data sets, but limit the number of columns to only those relevant to the first data set.

When you want to combine data sets without restrictions, use the Join tool instead.


Use the following configuration options to help create your unions.

Configuring the Union tool
  1. In Pipe builder, add your data sources.

  2. Click  +Tool.

  3. In the search bar, search for Union. Click + Add tool.


    You can also find the Union tool in the Combine section.

  4. Connect the tool to your data sets.